One day workshop on Commutative Algebra

Date: February 6, 2023
Place: Waseda University, Building 22, Room 717 (Waseda Campus)
Access and Campus Map
Caution. Because of the exam, the gate is closed and you cannot enter inside. Building 22 is outside of the gate, so please come to the room without trying to enter the inside of the gate of the campus.


10:00--10:45 Madhusudan Manjunath (Indian Institute of Technology)
Rational Normal Curves, Chip Firing and Betti strata

11:15--12:00 Akiyoshi Tsuchiya (Toho University)
Sectional genus of Ehrhart rings and Castelnuovo polytopes

12:00--14:00 Lunch Break

14:00--14:45 Nayana Shibu Deepthi (Osaka University)
Non-normal edge ring satisfying $S_2$-condition

15:15--16:00 Naoyuki Matsuoka (Meiji University)
Numerical semigroup rings with determinantal defining ideals

Organizer: Satoshi Murai (Waseda University)